Goodbye, goodbye, good friends goodbye

For now anyway. Editor This week I was an editor, which is pretty much what it sounds like. You edit reporters' work, maybe give them some advice/assistance along the way and decide whether or not it gets published. Simple. Except in UOW tradition, technology started to crumble before our eyes just when we needed it.... Continue Reading →

Final report week – how to

Audio And so it ends on a discussion of mental health services funding. This week was my last as a reporter for UOWTV through Newsroom. Next week I'll be playing editor, but I feel the finale of reporting deserves commemoration. I was once again on audio this week and once again had a fab time.... Continue Reading →

Perception is everything

A long time ago, I didn't care what I posted on social media. I talked a lot about how much I loved Vanilla Coke. But in recent years, I've gone back through my various timelines, deleting all that embarrassing nonsense. It feels shallow, but it's what social media is all about - cultivating and projecting an image... Continue Reading →

Isn’t Google the internet?

In 2015, two friends and I went on a trip through China and Mongolia. It was a blast. Unfortunately, my Instagram-ing, Face-booking, Gmail-using friend (pictured above on the left) had no knowledge that a multitude of websites and platforms are blocked in China for political purposes by the Great Firewall of China. Somehow her accounts also... Continue Reading →

Livin’ for audio

Audio Now, it's not a groundbreaking story, it's not the best piece of anything I've ever created, but I think I'm in love. I love audio journalism. I said it... After doing RadioU last week and audio-lifestyle this week, I think I've found my jam. It's just so neat and satisfying creating audio news stories. They... Continue Reading →

They’re taking the story to Isengard

Much relevant mash-up... Now, this is not transmedia storytelling. After hearing a few confused perspectives, that lump transmedia and multi-platform together, I thought I might explain the difference. Despite the story of P.S. I Love You being told in written, video and audio forms, the narrative isn't developed further. One does not have to read the... Continue Reading →

Radio U can do it

It's a relief to say, I had a lot of fun! Radio U Preparing for the Radio U week is daunting. It requires your team to produce three news bulletins that are three to five minutes long. The bulletins must be ready for the 10am, 12pm and 2pm news. Each must contain a package and... Continue Reading →

Developing onions

After rifling through a bunch of information on American, let alone Australian copyright laws, I'm feeling drained. There seems to be a constantly developing set of different laws, for different types of artistic works, in different countries, dependent on different time frames, to suit the purposes of different corporations. Too many layers for my liking. As... Continue Reading →

Social first words & mistakes

Written Paddling and peddling for a cause. The title of my most recent article on UOWTV Multimedia  wasn't quite what I intended Peddling: to try to sell something (commonly associated with illegal procurement) or promote an idea/view widely. Pedalling: to move/travel by working the pedals of a bicycle. I was aiming for the latter, but... Continue Reading →

A galaxy far, far away from Lucasfilm

Let's talk about a fancy old French word that previously meant nothing to me. Ahhh academia. Detournement; a way of subverting mass media’s hegemonic dominance over the meaning of cultural symbols by turning them against themselves for the purpose of discourse, dissent or criticism. Or in human words; transforming and developing images, sounds and ideas... Continue Reading →

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